My oh my, it seems like fashion icons like Kate Moss, Stella McCarthy, and Madonna have desided to help us less fortunate in the money department get a ideal of what they like to dress up in. The line that I am really looking forward to viewing is the up and coming line that Kate Moss will be doing for TopShop (an affordable british store). For those in Austrailia who are Stella obsessed they were fortunate enough to get their hands on some of the iteams that she decided to create for Target and from what I heard they sold out fast in the mist of cuts and buses for about anything Stella. There were eben some reports about the poor maniquins were ripped to shreads. And for the "M" Line at H&M I've viewed it and lets just say that the only thing I've got my eye on would be a glittered whit and gold mini dress but for the rest... it just seems to mature for me but hay it the material girl in an sophisticated material world.